HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith》Anakin Skywalker HK$1,430

【完美復刻安納金入魔前的極像真頭雕 配細致剪裁絕地長袍服飾 預告墜入原力黑暗面】

Hot Toys 一直對《星球大戰》電影系列全力支持,特此將精心揀選了於《星球大戰前傳: 黑帝君臨》入魔前身穿絕地長袍造型的安納金‧天行者 (Anakin Skywalker) 化身 1:6 比例珍藏人偶登場!安納金‧天行者在星戰前傳中擔任重要角色,為星戰人偶系列中不可或缺的一款經典珍藏人偶!

Hot Toys 根據電影原作設定與演員 Hayden Christensen 打造出首款安納金‧天行者 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊塑造出媲美真人般的五官輪廓、髮式、皮膚紋理與右額上明顯的傷痕等等。此外,Hot Toys 特別按照安納金‧天行者角色比例塑造出約高 31cm 的男性專用素體,全身逾 30 個可動關節,能擺出多款大幅度的姿勢。服飾方面,Hot Toys 參照電影原版戲服的物料質感與布紋所精心製作的整套絕地武士服裝,包括棕色長袖武士道服、棕色的絕地武士長袍、深棕色仿皮外袍、仿皮腰帶、棕色長褲及一對仿皮高筒靴等。此外,此人偶有多款不同造型的手掌,電影中的機械手臂也足本配備,以供星戰迷為角色打造不同造型。隨人偶除了附上一把內置 LED 發光的藍色光劍及光劍柄、一把 Count Dooku 專屬的紅色光劍(不發光),以及一個特別設計的人偶地台!

“My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count!” – Anakin Skywalker

Playing a core and decisive role in the Star Wars galaxy, Anakin Skywalker had the potential to become one of the most powerful Jedi ever, and was believed by some to be the prophesied Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. Despite being a hero of the Clone Wars, Anakin’s fear of loss would prove to be his downfall and lead him on a path to the Dark Side.

Today Hot Toys is thrilled to officially present our incredible movie masterpiece – the highly anticipated 1/6th scale Anakin Skywalker collectible figure from Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

Masterfully crafted based on the appearance of Anakin Skywalker in the movie, the 1/6th scale collectible figure features a newly developed head sculpt with impressive likeness, a meticulously tailored Jedi outfit, an interchangeable mechno right arm, a LED light-up lightsaber, an additional Count Dooku’s lightsaber, and a specially designed figure base.